Like a Child in a 'Secret Garden'... the not so Secret Northcote Community Garden

There is definitely something to be said about the importance of connecting with other people to form and feel a sense of  'community'.  Which I might ad, is a very real feeling, no fluffy let's pretend in my mind that I am part of something but a real feeling of being involved in something worthwhile, surrounded by like minded people for the greater good of all.  

Honestly I felt like a child in a 'Secret Garden' when we went to visit the lovely people of Northcote in their Community Garden.  They have about 15 plots and 20 or so members.  Each plot uniquely different and an expression of the gardener tending them.  Each has its own story to tell, wild, rambling, super organised others with little paths like a mini backyard... all beautiful.

Just over behind there, that fence.. there it is..

As I walked through the garden plots, looking eagerly at what everyone was growing I felt a real sense of 'care and connectedness' - somewhere to talk to people about all things vegetables and of course all things food, which for me was my original passion before being swept up into the world of bees.  No online forums or web advice, no fixed ideas other than 'growing naturally, organically, just like it should be'.  Just people, hands in the dirt... loved it. 

After meeting the guys at Northcote, it really drove home to me how important it is to connect with others and feel part of something, even just for an individuals own mental health.  Doing all you can by yourself is all very well but think what you could achieve if you felt that sense of connectedness with others.  Anything is possible!

We met Alistair, Ros, Marijka, Rebecca and Elizabeth on Sunday. Alistair and his partner Christine got in contact with us to talk about Bees for their garden.  Excited as anyone could imagine I would be combining bees and gardening - I was in, they wanted to get a hive and of course I wanted to give them one.  So it is happening (when we get some more bees) a free hive will be placed in their gardens and I can't wait!

I took down some seeds to donate to the garden to sow in punnets to get ready for the bees - though whilst we were there lots of bees happily foraging in amongst the gardens.. heaven. Marijka kindly gave me some sunflower seeds too to take home to plant.

Rudbeckia Marmalade - A dazzling display of huge yellow daisies to provide loads of pollen for the bees throughout summer and autumn.

Hyssop - This herb makes a fantastic low growing hedge. The bright blue flowers are a magnet for bees and butterflies.

 Sweet Mace - Fragrant leaves are reminiscent of a mix between tarragon and anise. Ideal for making herb vinegars or dry the leaves for a warming herbal brew. The long-lasting clusters of small yellow flowers are a magnet for bees. Also known as Mexican Tarragon.

At home though we have been extremely busy, I have managed to take some time clean up the green house to get some 60 seedlings going.

 Some Hyssop, Sweet Mace and Capsicums coming up in the greenhouse.

The Vegetable patch has Garlic a plenty, lots of Broad Beans, Sorrel, Chervil, Parsley, Rocket, Snow Peas, Leeks, French Shallots, Red Onion, Broccoli and various Lettuces at the moment.

And some beautiful Crimson Broad Beans


susanandre said...

They look nice crimson broad beans need some of those next year

V's Fork to Fork said...

Yes they are special! I have heard of Black too which is interesting.

ncg said...

Thank-you Vanessa!So lovely to connect with like-minded souls!

One for All for one said...

People in community seems to pretend each other that they are care, this give me a bit anxiety of a community but in all I believe we can make a better life trough the community

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